Micro Technology Unlimited MTU-130 / MTU-140


The MTU-130 was a 6502 based computer released by Micro Technology Unlimited in 1981. The base system supported 480×256 B&W graphics, 80 Kbytes of RAM, digital audio/speech and included a light pen. An additional 256 Kbytes of RAM could be added as part of a 68000 co-processor card upgrade allowing up to 336 Kbytes of RAM accessible to both the 6502 and 68000 processors. A Z-80 co-processor card and CP/M were available as well. The system required the use of a disk to run as no OS was installed in ROM. The disk operating system was known as CODOS, Channel-Oriented Disk Operating System, and supported 1 or 2 drives and treated all devices as a file.

The MTU-140 was a later model that included drives and a monitor in an “all-in-one” case configuration.

Applesauce Support

Disk Types

Reading and writing the following MTU-130 / MTU-140 disk types is supported:

MTU-130 / MTU-140
8“ Single Sided (512 KB)
8” Double Sided (1024 KB)

File Systems

File System support for the following MTU-130 / MTU-140 operating systems is available:

MTU-130 / MTU-140

Applesauce will be able to verify directories and files in these disks as good or bad. In addition you can export individual files. Exported files can be saved in raw data format or converted to modern text formats.

Disk Image Formats

The following disk image formats are supported.

MTU-130 / MTU-140

An 8“ drive that supports double sided/double density.

General Information

Drive Information


The MTU-130 / MTU-140 supported up to four 8“ single or double sided, double density floppy drives using a standard Shugart compatible connection. Disks were 77 tracks of 26 sectors and 256 bytes per sector.


Useful for image verification.

Windows Mac Linux
MAME (MTU-130)